
Our Business
We are the leaders and main supplier of bond stores to the ship chandlers. With our rich history in ship chandelling, we understand the needs of all our customers, the ship chandlers and we play an integral role in meeting their needs in terms of product assortment and streamlining their costs to maximise their returns.
We are proudly certified as a member of the Singapore Association of Shipsuppliers and Services.
Our clients include ship chandlers and foreign diplomatic missions.
We supply bond stores (cigarettes, beers, wines and spirits) and non-dutiable products such as Nescafe, Pepsi and 7Up. Our in-depth experience and knowledge give our customers confidence in our ability to deliver quality products backed by outstanding services to meet their needs.
Exclusive Brands
We are the exclusive distributor of the following brands.

Authorized Wholesaler
We are the authorized wholesale distributor of these well-loved brands.